Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Are the celebrities myspaces real or are they fake?

Some are fake, some are real...but "real" is relative. Truth of the matter is that most of the really big celebs don't have the time to run their own myspace page. ..and if they did 9 times out of 10 it would be private.

Most of the time it's the celebrity's management company, record company or an admin running the show vs the actual celeb themselves...but it's done with the star's consent.

Best way to find out if a star's myspace is real? Go to their official websites, and if it's real, they'll usually have a link to their myspace page...or a statement saying the person does not have a myspace presence.

If there isn't either a link or a statement, chances are the celeb page you saw is a phony or just ran by a fan.

Hint: if the star is a long dead celeb, it's usually fan run unless it specifically states it is run by their estate.

Are the celebrities myspaces real or are they fake?

I bet some are real some are fake. If I were an aspiring celeb I'd hire someone I trust to develop a mySpace for me. That's what PR people are for.

Are the celebrities myspaces real or are they fake?

i'm pretty sure that they are just fake. like i think it's just fan sites or whatever, but when u think about it, how can celebrities find the time to even check their myspace. %26amp; i'm sure if they really wanted to keep in touch they would just hire someone to find that person.

Are the celebrities myspaces real or are they fake?

I am assuming that it is real. I just messaged Tyra Banks about an hour ago and now I'm waiting for a response so I will leet you know then even if I have to say it 2 days to 2 weeksd from now.

Are the celebrities myspaces real or are they fake?

some are real, some are fake.u gotta make sure its not just a fan or something...i've known of some fake celeb myspaces.but some celebs do have a myspace.

Are the celebrities myspaces real or are they fake?

I know the Jonas brothers Myspace is the real deal becuase they had a live video chat through their myspace so yea it is the real deal. Others not so real. Before you believe it make sure you heard it come out of the stars mouth that it is their myspace.

Are the celebrities myspaces real or are they fake?

I'm sure the majority are fakes, but there are probably some official ones

Are the celebrities myspaces real or are they fake?

some are fake some are real like kiera knightley and emmy rossum both said that they made their myspace.

Are the celebrities myspaces real or are they fake?

Some of them are real and some of them are fake.

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