Friday, November 27, 2009

Do the Jonas Brothers have there own individual MySpaces?

I know they have one that they all share but do they each have there own? Cuz, on Miley's Friends List, it has a picture of Nick in it and I thought that might be his myspace. Let me know if they each have there own, and if they do, what is it? Oh and on there Music Myspace, do they actually respond?

Do the Jonas Brothers have there own individual MySpaces?

the jonas brothers do NOT have personal myspaces. in the last live chat, kevin VERY clearly stated that they do not. here is the quote" we do not have any personal myspaces or facebooks and anyone who says that they have ours are posers." kevin doesnt usually say things this strong and they wouldnt like to their fans.

Do the Jonas Brothers have there own individual MySpaces?


Do the Jonas Brothers have there own individual MySpaces?

no they dont. i asked b4 on the fan # and they said no

Do the Jonas Brothers have there own individual MySpaces?

No all the people on myspace that say they are actually celebrities are posers unless they are a music myspace.

do you think people as busy as nick,kevin,and joe jonas have time to get online and check their myspace??

nahh i dont think so.

Do the Jonas Brothers have there own individual MySpaces?

no... they do not have individual myspaces, however nick has an individual facebook (supposedly)...

the only myspace thay have is their band profile...

and yes they do respond but it is really hard because of all the people... but yes they have and do..

Do the Jonas Brothers have there own individual MySpaces?

They probably don't have time for individual myspaces... There are probably individual fansite-myspaces for each of them. *shrug*

And they probably check in and respond to some of the messages they get, but seriously, think about how many emails they recieve all the time...

Personally, I'm not a fan of teen-pop music I'm more into three days grace and drowning pool. *shrug*

Do the Jonas Brothers have there own individual MySpaces?

yes but only their closest friends like Mandy are on it. people make up myspaces and say they are miley cyrus or nick j but they are not

Do the Jonas Brothers have there own individual MySpaces?

No they don't. Miley doesn't even have a personal. It's just their music spaces.

Do the Jonas Brothers have there own individual MySpaces?

no they all share one and do not have individual myspaces. the person you saw was probably just an obsessed nick j lover so put his pic. on it. they will probably respond to the ones that are posted when they are on at the same time because there are so many fans they can't comment all of them!! especially with their busy schedule and tour and all right now.

Do the Jonas Brothers have there own individual MySpaces?

No, they just have the Jonas Brothers one.

Do the Jonas Brothers have there own individual MySpaces?

you never know they might and just put a fake name down so no one could find them, and just have it for their re. friends,idk thats what i would do =]

Do the Jonas Brothers have there own individual MySpaces?

No but they have one that all of em use. And yes it's really them they even have a youtube account. I'll give you both the links. Plus they have proof. They say that it's their official myspace page video, and a youtube account one too.

Do the Jonas Brothers have there own individual MySpaces?

no they do not only there music myspace

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