Wednesday, November 25, 2009

People who have Myspaces?

Do you like it or is it boring? My friends told me the other day that I should get one but I don't know if I would ever get on it or no. What do you think about it?

People who have Myspaces?

They are only boring if you dont have friends to talk to on there, but since you should then you should at least give it a chance, it's alot of fun and a great way to communicate with others if you are safe about it.

People who have Myspaces?

i have myspace(mark420) and it is kool because i have gotten in contact with people i never thought id ever hear from again.....and it is addicting...hahah....but why not make a page on myspace....... Report It

People who have Myspaces?

its boring,it sucks dont get it

People who have Myspaces?

I have one but i dont rotate my life around it.

People who have Myspaces?

just got one today actually.

People who have Myspaces?

It's boring, I have one and I never use it at all. It has been sitting there for like 7 months and nothing is on it.

People who have Myspaces?

Use what it was designed for, "A Place For Friends"

People who have Myspaces?

i have myspace, good way to meet people, old friends that you have lost contact with, can pimp your own profile, i enjoy using it

also you can contact friends quickly with messages and bulletins

People who have Myspaces?

I love mine.

People who have Myspaces?

I had one for about 3 minutes, then I deleted it...

Way too many weirdo's on there for me....

People who have Myspaces?

I have one, but I really think it's overrated. I know people who live on Myspace!! I think it kinda sucks the life out of people..

People who have Myspaces?

I have an account and I love it. I have met some really nice people on there. But see Im a race fan so the friends that are on there are race fans also. So I guess its all in what you have in common as to how you like it.

People who have Myspaces?

I like it to get back in touch with friends that I haven't seen in a long time and if I need to get a message to a current friend quickly, but don't want to bother getting into small talk, I just leave them a comment. I like it b/c I am into creating web pages, so I spend most of my time on there changing colors and content and what-not.

People who have Myspaces?

Personally, I like Myspace. It is great for networking, and my allows me to quickly keep in touch with all of my family and friends.

Many people say that it is boring or not very entertaining, but I feel that it is a great way to communicate, and let your friends/family know what is going on with your life.

To me, Myspace is just like an email account, only it allows for more personalization and gives you a lot of freedom with how you contact other people.

If you get one, my only suggestion is to keep it on private-no matter how old you are. That is a great feature to protect you from some of the creeps on Myspace.

Other than that, I have no complaints about Myspace!

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