Friday, November 27, 2009

Do ya'll have myspaces and why do u have one?

I think its good to have to keep in touch with friends, share photos of your family, and in my opinion its your free webpage on the internet for whoever to see, if you like. It allows people to be creative and have fun.........its great when used in moderation.

Do ya'll have myspaces and why do u have one?

all the cool kids have one..

Do ya'll have myspaces and why do u have one?

it's a good place to chat and express yourself. i loveeee mine.

Do ya'll have myspaces and why do u have one?

to keep in touch with everyone

Do ya'll have myspaces and why do u have one?

to keep up with friends and meet new ppl around my area

Do ya'll have myspaces and why do u have one?

i dont and i cant figure out why anyone would want one unless they're looking to get stalked and murdered

Do ya'll have myspaces and why do u have one?

its a good place to express yourself and have fun while making lots of freinds.

Do ya'll have myspaces and why do u have one?

I have one to keep in touch with my family (in which I live states away from) and to keep in contact with current friends and catch up with old friends.

Do ya'll have myspaces and why do u have one?

because its it agreat way to express yourself

Do ya'll have myspaces and why do u have one?

No, I don't see a need for one and don't have the time for it.'

Do ya'll have myspaces and why do u have one?

To meet peole...It is noooooo different than any other "Meeting" site...Gets more publicity and because it has become sooo popular, it runs into a lot of problems...A lot.....

Do ya'll have myspaces and why do u have one?


Do ya'll have myspaces and why do u have one?

Yes I have a myspace. Its a good way to keep up with my family and friends. Also its a place where I can express myself through pictures and whatnot in my myspace.

Do ya'll have myspaces and why do u have one?

all my friend have one and i turned into a bandwagon jumper so now i have one

Do ya'll have myspaces and why do u have one?

talk to your long distant friends, juzz make sure u don't become friendz with the wrong people

Do ya'll have myspaces and why do u have one?

No sorry

Do ya'll have myspaces and why do u have one?

Yes, because all the cool people are doing it.

Do ya'll have myspaces and why do u have one?

Yup! just because i guess. Just want to... you get to meet alot of people anyway.

Do ya'll have myspaces and why do u have one?

i have a myspace and i love it! i have one b/c its a great place to connect with ur friends and a place where u can express how u feel... its kind of like a online journal but letting all ur friends know how u feel about things! and u can express ur personality and feelings and all kinds of things on there! and its a place where parents dont usually go to!

Do ya'll have myspaces and why do u have one?

i love it because i get to express myself and share my family pics with whom ever wishes to see them. if any one wants to see it search under Brandy McClinsey in Tonawanda, New York. see ya.

Do ya'll have myspaces and why do u have one?

I have a myspace...I was curious about someone, and I knew his sister had a myspace, so I joined to see his pic. I like xanga better, it's the one I use the most:

Do ya'll have myspaces and why do u have one?

No I don't. Not yet anyways.

Do ya'll have myspaces and why do u have one?

yeah i have myspace because my friends has them. u can add me if you want.

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