Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

Do you think that once you get into a relationship both people should delete their myspaces? Do you think it would cause less problems? I know some people who's partners won't let them have a myspace. Any thoughts/experience on this?

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

I for one think *everyone* should delete their myspace

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

I guess that really depends on what you use myspace for

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

Why should you. I think mysapce is creepy personally and so i only use facebook but i mean they are pretty much the same thing...just a way to share who you are and talk to friends and whatever. Both are totally innocent if people choose to use them that way so i see no reason why being in a relationship with mysapce would cause problems. Its more about the type of person you are though.

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

i have myspace i dont talk to anyone but his friends and my strangers. we both know all the people so if its that sort of thingthen no you shouldnt but if your talking to a bunch of different people/ male female. id get rid of it could cause problems.

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

If a MySpace is gonna be a problem - then the two shouldn't get together to begin with.

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

I think you shouldn't be on it if you have something to hide or of you don't think you could trust your partner on it. If you are on myspace and think you will be sneaky, you should not be on it. Be on it for friends and you should have nothing to hide. I don't think you guys should be on it if you have trust issues but then I guess, you shouldn't be together in the first place.

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

That's a personal decision...but my partner cannot "let" or "not let" me have anything that I have control over. It's not his decision.

People who feel compelled to close all online accounts and ditch all online friends because of their partner should do it only because they feel it's best for them. Personally, I see no issue being on social sites (not dating sites). If someone's going to cheat, they'll do it whether they have online access or not...trying to 'make' someone get rid of all their accounts won't keep them faithful if they've a mind to stray.

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

As stupid as it sounds myspace always causes fights in a relationship. You should both just delete them now to save yourselves the trouble down the road.

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

No. Unless there is something to hide. I personally don't care for myspace but I got no problem if my girl has a page.

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

Tough call.

Its about the trust in eachother first and foremost.

I would question the idea of starting a page after you were together, but if both had an established page before hand then you can delete "sketchy" people together.

Just be honest about who your myspace friends are and who you talk to.

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

I think thats being a little too possessive. If my man demanded that I delete myspace or stop taking to my friends, Id have a fit. That is being far too jealous and possesive.

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

i have a myspace... and my man does not have one... and he is ok with it...

and people letting their partners tell them they can or can not have something is BS....

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

No!!! As long as there is no flirting going on hell no. I didn't. I say keep it.

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

i don't know what they heck you use myspace for - i use it to connect with my friends. if you are decent people and are not cheaters and liars then the myspace isn't a problem. keep it. if you are cheaters and liars, then keep the myspace then too.

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

OMG! I used to have that problem. My wouldnt trust me if her life depended on it.

It causes mad serious problems. But I feel that if you trust someone, then no dont delete it, but if your insecure and KNOW whats going to happen, then hell yeah delete it.

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

I think it all depends on how much you trust or can trust the person you're dating. A lot of people use websites like MySpace to do more than just make all depends on what they're doing with their MySpace and/or why they're so adamant to keep it.

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

myspace has a place where you can state youre "in a relationship". and since i base everything i should or should not do on what myspace tells me to i dont think you should have to delete your account.

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

You do not have to delete myspace if you have a realtionship. My husband and I both have seperate myspace accounts and we use it to connect with our old friends. We both have access to each others account so if there was ever any concern then we can "check up" on each other. Show your significant other your myspace. Put lots of pictures of you two together and change the relationship status on your screen and there should be no problem. If he has an account that he doesn't want you to see and sets it to private then I would say there may be something to be concerned about.

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

I have been with my fiance for three years now and we both have myspace. having myspace may create problems those problems would probably come up anywhere whether it be rumers or what have you. I personally don't care what my fiance does because i trust him, that when problems arise when one person gives another a reason to not trust. so i dont think myspace would cause the problem it would be the person. they should know who to befriend and who not to befriend in order not to create friction

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

It really depends on what you use your my space for. Is it to keep in touch with friends, probably not a big deal. Is it the place you find someone to hook up with, yeah it's probably best to get rid of it.

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

this whole myspace thing has blown way out of proportion. i don't think 'myspace' is that cause or reason of the problems. i think it's a trust issue, time management issue (from going on it for hours), and etc...

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

heres the thing. Im in a reltionship right now. and i have myspace and he do's to. i dont have any problems but it can creat problems depending on you and your man if he is a jelose type and how well you guys get alont me and my bf have great comunication skills and me and him dont get jelose i will get jelose or lose trust it he gives me a reason. but myspace is a good way to find out if that person is for you. bc i beleave that things happen for a reason and if its not ment to be its no there are plenty of other people out there. and really you might think you cant move on couple day or month go by and you get over it. bc if you stay sad in soro really life dont care bc it will move on so. what im trying to say if you both agree and want to delete myspace thats cool. but honestly the only reason im on myspace bc i have friend on there. im not on myspace to find guys. hope that helpet

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

my bf don't let me have a myspace account cause he says that's why my brother and his wife have problems and that if I wanted problems between us to go ahead an create one ...So no I don't have and want a myspace account..

but your guys knew that you guys had a my space account so leave it alone when you get into a relationship you take whats your and the other person brings whats theirs .. and you should have a problem with it just know that who ever and what ever is on you my space account are just friends...but don't I mean don't give each others passwords to your accounts.

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

This is a very good question. At once I was in the same situation because there was so much conflict with having one when me and my boyfriend were dating so we both deleted our myspace. Then I thought, well it isn't fair to just delete it just because one person gets mad at the other. Again, before we even met...we both had our own. So I ended up getting one again then a couple months down the road he did the same. Conflicts shouldn't start because of having a myspace. It all begins by other people saying things to you or him which makes the other person question you. We both barely look at each others myspaces JUST because of the simple fact that something could be seen that we don't want to see. You don't need to delete your myspace just don't look at one anothers alot. Maybe spend less time on there to avoid problems.

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

if you use myspace for seeing other girls then yes if not then no

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

well my boyfriend and i actually MET on myspace, so we obviously both have one and don't care. and personally, myspace is so open that i would think it would be BETTER to have a myspace so you could go and check...who's sending them comments, their top friends.....that sort of thing.

and i agree w/someone else who said it's not about's about the person. if you don't trust them you can say it's b/c of "myspace" or whatever, but it'll be something else if it's not myspace.

and myspace isn't creepy...myspace is awesome...facebook is too confusing.

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

well i really don't see why,cause its just according to how u use it,i consider mypace as a place u can go and talk to Ur Friends but that's just me

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

Not really. My husband and I each have a MySpace account, but we use it for keeping in touch with friends and not as a dating site.

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

My boyfriend doesn't have a computer but I do and I still have my myspace. He knows most of my friends are guys and I promised him that I would not call them by the nicknames that I used to: Example my best friend of nearly three years I adapted to calling, "Sweetie."

He knows I would never cheat and that I have no feelings for my friends, all of which now I am dating, one of which is good friends with him personally. :) So no problems with myspace here.

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

I personally think it creates problems. Some people may disagree, but they can do whatever they want.

I wouldn't 'Make' anyone do anything. I wouldn't make a girlfriend delete it, but I wouldn't continue dating her either...considering it's my body and I can date whoever I want. Everything above, is my answer to a 'Power-Struggle' woman. A woman who thinks that "I can do whatever I want" = "I don't care how you feel"

With that in mind, I'm good at compromising, as long as I'm in a relationship with someone who's compromising. You can make it private with friends, and I can start my own page and we can be friends on it... and so on.

Everyone keeps quoting 'Trust is the most important...', but they are just repeating others like a Parakeet.

-------Being Trustworthy is the most important thing in a relationship.-------

Getting into a relationship mean deleting myspace?

Well, this is a tough subject for a lot of people. It depends a great deal on trust and respect on both parties. I don't know how long you've been in this relationship, but I'm assuming it's relatively new because you are now faced with the decision of suddenly deleting your MySpace account because of it.

MySpace isn't necessarily a dating service, although many people use it for just that. As a matter of fact, my partner and I just happened to meet each other through the networking of friends on MySpace. Not intentionally, of course, but it is very easy to do and that's what most people have a problem with.

For me, MySpace is a quick and simple way to keep in touch with friends from high school, previous jobs, etc., as well as family and loved ones that you don't get to see as often as you'd like. I avoid anything that can be interpreted as flirting, or anything else mischevious that would be disrespectful of my partner and our relationship. In addition, him and I share passwords and logins with each other. Not to check up on one another, but simply to help ease the lingering thought that sometime down the road, one of us would use the internet as an outlet of infidelity.

However, this can only work in open and honest relationships. If someone wants to be unfaithful, they will find a way to do it with or without MySpace. But if you are happy in your relationship and you feel confident that the other person is as well, then there's no temptation of wrongdoing, no matter who sends you a friend request. =)

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