Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How do i get rid of stalkers?

i know of 2. but there are plenty of ones on the internet. like on myspace, i've deleted and blocked 4 people already. [i have my reasons]. i'm not a mean person at all. but they keep making new myspaces to contact me. people post questions on yahoo asking if i'm famous. alls i can do is sit back and laugh cause they're fxxking CRAZZYYY!! plus they make fake myspaces of me. i can ignore it but its been going on since march. any suggestions?

anyways, the stalkers in real life: one goes to my school and one lives down my street. the one at my school is a freshman, i'm a sophomore but she follows around me all day at lunch and before and after school, and smiles at me and waves like a maniac every time she sees me. theres A LOT more to it but i wont go on... now the one down my street comes to knock on my door to say, 'can i see jason?' [i'll get to that later]. she does it EVERY DAY. and constantly calls our house, and follows me when i leave.

[more down]

How do i get rid of stalkers?

sounds to me like you have connections to celebrities but you just don't want anyone to know.. right? lol i'm sorry.

but in order to get rid of your problem with the online ones on myspace. have you tried changing your search name? if you have a memorable url then i don't know what to tell you because they are able to find you very easily. and to get rid of the real life ones, try going up to them and asking them to stop following you, they can't say that they will keep following you. get what i'm sayin? and as for your neighbor i would recommend leaving a sign on your door. you know some old folks have it lol. or just simply ask her to stop coming over.

good luck! and if you need any more tips or anything email me! btw can i get your myspace? i promise i wont stalk u lol!!!!

How do i get rid of stalkers?

who are you? jw, because either your really famous or youre just goofing around.

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